Sunday, June 11, 2006

Diggin' in the Cybercrates: Internet Samples, Volume 1

On the regular, Hip Hapa hooks you into the sites and sounds of the virtual world, offering up samples to help you make the perfect mix of your netsurfing. If you find a gem that needs inclusion, let us know and we'll post it.

We lead this first "official" links list with an invitation for you to join us on the space that is ours. Friendster, it's been a pleasure, but we're fickle like that.

In case you haven't seen it yet, we'd like to point out that The Roots currently have a special homage to Jay Dee on their site, with a bunch of downloads from live shows. Peep 'em.

Badass hapa hitman John Rain is back in Barry Eisler's The Last Assassin, the newly released fifth book in a series of electrifying international thrillers. Not only does Eisler always deliver a fun read, but he provides practical information as well, like how to kill with your bare hands or where to get a nice single-malt whiskey in Osaka.

Yeah, it probably deserves its own post, but for now, we'll note that Kip Fulbeck's The Hapa Project continues to enjoy a share of the limelight. If you were in LA this weekend, maybe you had a chance to drop in on the opening of the related photo exhibition at the Japanese American National Museum. It'll be up through October 29.

Finally, the Chicago Tribune rolled out their own recap of The Coup's recent show in Chitown. Does it stack up to what we give you here? You be the judge.



Blogger Mix76 said...

Oh man! All this talk of Jay Dee, The Roots and single-malt whiskey has me jones-ing for a night out in Tokyo with the Jazzy Sport crew. Suntory onegai!

10:57 PM  

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