Sunday, June 18, 2006

Diggin' in the Cybercrates: Internet Samples, Volume 2

On the regular, Hip Hapa hooks you into the sites and sounds of the virtual world, offering up samples to help you make the perfect mix of your netsurfing. If you find a gem that needs inclusion, let us know and we'll post it.

Klosterman on Danger Mouse in The New York Times? The definition of can't miss. Check out this great article on Gnarls Barkley.

Can't a rapper work the groupies without the whole Internet getting the deets? I guess not. Sorry Nas, you're exposed here.

California leads the way with more box-checking awesomeness. Props to Senator Joe Simitian for proposing “The Ethnic Heritage Respect and Recognition Act."

Despite the fact that he doesn't respond to our emails, we'll still link to Oliver Wang's post on Tokyo Drift, cuz it's easier than seeing the movie and writing about it ourselves.

Nope, it has nothing to do with anything we do on this site, but the ADP wants you to know about this deliciousness.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously. that may be the most fucked up pizza-related product since the P'zone. and the Greek Salad ones are DELICIOUS.

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude i swear i was talking about this with your brother. gnarles b. also goes as cee-lo who did the song with common in like water for cholocate right--fr

4:52 PM  
Blogger MosSteph said...

Okay so I took the time to see "Tokyo Drift" and it made me feel nostalgic and hungry. I wanted to drink hot coffee from a tiny can purchased at a machine and ride the subway. I also wanted to eat tempura and nabe (not depicted, yet my favorites in japan)

2:04 PM  
Blogger Mix76 said...

Hahhaaa! Funny that you mention Oliver. He actually read this posting and emailed O.G. the other day to apologize! Thanks Oliver.

8:53 PM  

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