Thursday, February 08, 2007

Diggin' in the Cybercrates: Internet Samples, Volume 7

On the regular, Hip Hapa hooks you into the sites and sounds of the virtual world, offering up samples to help you make the perfect mix of your netsurfing. If you find a gem that needs inclusion, let us know and we'll post it.

Riding the coat tails of the MMA Edition I was online all week checking out the hot websites from various fighters. One fighter that caught my interest was Judo Gold Medalist Hidehiko Yoshida who has opened numerous dojos in the Tokyo area. Rumor has it that he may be bringing his brand of judo to Los Angeles...

Also, while perusing the UFC website I came across a link for a foundation created for the man, the myth, the legend (and proud papa of Hapa kiddies) Bruce Lee! Need I say more? Just check it out!

And those of you looking for some "pure" Hapa internet action look up A great site for chatting on the message boards and looking up pics of your favorite Hapas..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

12:25 PM  

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